Monday, April 13, 2020

Boot Straps

My thoughts for the morning: boot straps

My daddy has been a lineman my whole life. 

When the storms arose, families held each other tight in their basements and hallways, as tornados threatened and hurricanes devastated. 

In those times, I watched my daddy sit on the steps and lace up his worn, work boot straps.

See, he has been through storms before. For years, He's led his crews into the eye of the storm. Working all through the night, through wind and rain.

I never once thought he was afraid... this is his job, this is what he was bred to do. 
He has an unexplainable peace with storms, if you ask me.

Why? Because he knows, the people need the power he can provide. 

In the same aspect, I grew up in a Christian home my whole life.

Looking back, I can see families held each other tight... the world panicked as towers fell, as war raged on, as the economy crashed. 

In those times, I watched my parents. They sat on the steps and laced up their worn, spiritual boot straps. See, they've been through storms before. 

We watched the news. We talked about life and why things happen the way they do. We talked about trusting God. 

Very few times have I ever thought they were afraid. 
They've always shown an unexplainable peace.

Why? Because they knew, we needed to see the power HE can provide. 

I'm full grown now, on my own, with my own family to think about. 

I'm watching storms. A virus is causing fear, the world has practically shut down, the economy would appear to be doomed. 
I went to sleep last night knowing a night of storms were just ahead. I prayed for protection over our families and homes. I woke up to news of tornados and devastation in the area. I heard the wind, rain, and thunder outside.  

But laying there at 4:30am, all I could think is that I'm not afraid. 
I have an unexplainable peace. 

Why? Because I know THE One who has the power to control and guide my life.
He has proven Himself time and time again. And I can't help but feel like the Lord is giving me a boot strap to lace up. 

I'm thankful this morning for the unexplainable peace of God. 

I'm thankful that I was raised and taught who to place my trust in, especially when the storms arise. 

I'm thankful that even when my faith faulters, even when I doubt, even when I do fear, my God is faithful.

I'm thankful that even though I don't know what tomorrow will bring or what storms are ahead, I know the Peace Speaker and that he has a reason for the storm. 🙌

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