Wednesday, May 29, 2019

My Sweet Little Pug - 2005 to May 27, 2019 RIP

You were lost and wandering down the road, but I went home and left you there because I thought you may have just gotten out and someone would come find you and take you back home. As soon as i got home though I was worried and asked Jessica and Steven to go back and see if you were still on the side of the road and if you were I wanted them to bring you home to me. As soon as you got there you became my sweet Pug. I loved you from the first moment I saw you. You became my constant companion always following me wherever I went. You loved to sit at my feet and lick my toes. I used to play with you and go hide in another room just to wait to hear those little paws come running to find me. The one time I left you, you must have really missed me because as soon as I pulled into the yard you ran and jumped into the car and would not get meant to go wherever I was going. You were always so funny when you were standing and begging for food...I called you my little gismo. Oh. How I will miss you my sweet little buddy. I will always love you and you will always be my sweet Pug.

I called Pug my sweet baby

Goodbye - Lionel Richie

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