Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Cristina and Burke - Grey's Anatomy

Their first kiss: At the time of their first kiss, Cristina was an intern, which made Burke more than a little hesitant to start something. But in the end, all it took was a cup of coffee to set these two on a romantic path. And step one of that journey was one of Grey’s Anatomy‘s best kisses.
                                                 I missed you

“Be the other guy”: In season 2’s famous bomb episode, Burke asked Cristina to leave the room because he couldn’t focus knowing that she was in danger. But before she left him with the bomb, she gave an unforgettable speech, asking him not to be the hero who dies, but rather, to be the other guy, the one who lives. It was a rare moment of fragility for both of them, and it perfectly demonstrated how much they meant to each other.
Cristina’s miscarriage: Burke hadn’t known that Cristina was pregnant with his child until she lost it, but instead of barging in and asking her a million questions, he realized that wasn’t what she needed. Instead, he climbed into bed with her and held her. It was that simple.

After Burke was shot in the shoulder, there was a chance he would never operate again. Faced with the idea of Burke not being a surgeon, Cristina couldn't bring herself to visit him in his hospital room...until after Denny died, after which she went to Burke, held his hand, and stayed with him.

Didn't We Almost Have It All?

The Proposal

We Are Never Getting Back Together

                                                           Like A Virgin - Amos Lee

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